Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Accountability in Schools

The federal stimulus package has 13 million dollars to boost Title I. Title I is a federal program that is intended to give extra help to disadvantaged school children. However, this money may not reach these students. Some districts redirect the money that is meant for low-income students and send it to other schools that have more political pull. To remedy this problem, congress has made it mandatory that they give a better account as to how the money is spent.

These unethical practices should and must be stopped. Sloppy book keeping has made it possible to mask teacher salaries in different schools. Low income schools are being taught by less qualified teachers and more affluent schools are being taught by higher paid, more qualified teachers. This practice should be turned around, meaning that the more qualified teachers should teach in the low income schools. School reform is necessary, and the new system should create more fair practices in low income schools. Hopefully, this new system will create a more fair and balanced opportunities for the low income schools.

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