Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reading the Huffington Post blog, I came to the conclusion that it is a pretty good blog. Today, most of the featured blogs are about Obama and his speech about the economy. However, there are other blog posts about different interesting things. These include the Somali pirates, and there is even one about how countries such as Haiti matter to Americans. These stories cover domestic and world events such as how North Korea will restart its nuclear-arms plant.

I have never visited this blog before, and I actually have become a fan of it. The posts the site has are very interesting and broaden your view on many things such as global events. The quality of these posts are very good. They may vary between posts because there are different authors, but for the most part, the quality is high. One post about the Somali pirates caught my attention and taught me that pirates have hijacked four more ships. The information they have on the story is in depth and appears very accurate. I recommend this blog to others and I will be reading it daily.

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