Thursday, April 30, 2009

Critiquing the Traditional Paper

Looking at the New York Times newspaper the past couple of days, I have noticed that it has been dominated by the swine flu. In today's paper, the main story was about how the World Health Organization has raised the swine flu alert level. They raised the alert level to phase five, which is next to the highest phase. Since the alert system was implemented in 2005, this phase was only used for the avian flu scare, and phase six means that a pandemic is underway. The CDC reported 91 confirmed from ten different states, up from 64 cases in 5 states on Tuesday.

Personally, I think this is just a giant act from the media to scare people into reading their news. As with the avian flu, nothing really happened and people were scared into learning more about this so called pandemic. Their main source of information was from the media, which loves stories such as this. What's really happening? A couple people in the United States have a flu that can be cured. More people die from the regular flu when that season comes around. In most of these cases, the victims have been extremely young or extremely old. I believe that this will go the way of the avian flu and fade into nothing but a distant memory.

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