Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Night and Good Luck

In class we watched the movie Good Night and Good Luck. This was a very good movie that got me thinking about some topics. The film deals with the times of McCarthy and the scare of communists. He was naming people who he said were communists and stated he had a list of people who were communists that worked for the United States Government. Edward Murrow and his staff battled corporate and sponsorship pressures to discredit McCarthy in his quest. A main topic where Murrow battled McCarthy was in the was in the case of Milo Radulovich. He was facing a separation from the Air Force because his father subscribed to a Serbian newspaper.

Eventually, Murrow and his crew strike a big blow to McCarthy. Other issues that were of a big impact to me was the suicide of one of Murrow's crew. Don Hollenbeck committed suicide after being accused as a communist, and this shows how serious these times were. They also show the hearing of a Pentagon communication worker, Annie Moss, who was accused of being a communist after an FBI worker saw her name on a list for the American Communist party. In this case, Senator Stuart Symington stated that this could merely be a case of mistaken identity, and did not think the trial should continue. The fight that Murrow made was that the media should try and strive for the truth rather than just hype or what the public wants to hear.

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